Formulaire: mathématiques - Finances - Pourcentages



  • p: %
  • S: Nombre
  • R: Nombre
  • x: Facteur

What is p percent of value S?

\( {\color{OliveGreen} {R}} = {\color{Orange} {S}} \times \frac{\color{blue} {p}}{100} = {\color{Orange} {S}} \times {\color{blue} {p}} \% \)
R = Nombre
S = Nombre
p = %

R is p percent of what value S?

\( {\color{Orange} {S}} = {\color{OliveGreen} {R}} \times \frac{100}{\color{blue} {p}} \)
S = Nombre
R = Nombre
p = %

R is what percent p of value S?

\( {\color{blue} {p}} = \frac{\color{OliveGreen} {R}}{\color{Orange} {S}} \times 100 \)
p = %
R = Nombre
S = Nombre

What is the factor x for the percent of value p?

\( {\color{OliveGreen} {p}} \% = \frac{\color{OliveGreen} {p}}{100} \)
x = Facteur
p = %