
Nom d'utilisateurLiIIiam0216
Questions 655
Réponses 32


We are asked to determine how many distinct paths can be followed to spell the word "MATH" starting from the origin \( M \), given that movements are only allowed up, down, left, and right.


The points corresponding to \( A \), \( T \), and \( H \) are labeled on the xy-plane, and each of these labels corresponds to a specific set of coordinates.


### Step 1: Understanding the Problem

The problem provides:

- \( M \) is at the origin, \( (0, 0) \).

- \( A \)'s are at \( (1,0) \), \( (-1,0) \), \( (0,1) \), and \( (0,-1) \).

- \( T \)'s are at \( (2,0) \), \( (1,1) \), \( (0,2) \), \( (-1,1) \), \( (-2,0) \), \( (-1,-1) \), \( (0,-2) \), and \( (1,-1) \).

- \( H \)'s are at \( (3,0) \), \( (2,1) \), \( (1,2) \), \( (0,3) \), \( (-1,2) \), \( (-2,1) \), \( (-3,0) \), \( (-2,-1) \), \( (-1,-2) \), \( (0,-3) \), \( (1,-2) \), and \( (2,-1) \).


We need to determine how many distinct paths can be followed to spell "MATH", moving from \( M \) to an \( A \), then from \( A \) to a \( T \), and finally from \( T \) to an \( H \).


### Step 2: Movement Considerations

We are allowed to move only up, down, left, and right. This restricts the possible movements between the points labeled \( M \), \( A \), \( T \), and \( H \).


- From \( M \) at \( (0, 0) \), we can move to any of the \( A \)'s at \( (1,0) \), \( (-1,0) \), \( (0,1) \), or \( (0,-1) \).

- From each \( A \), we can move to one of the \( T \)'s that are one unit away from the \( A \)'s.

- From each \( T \), we can move to one of the \( H \)'s that are one unit away from the \( T \)'s.


### Step 3: Counting the Distinct Paths

Let’s break down the path counting process step by step.


#### Paths from \( M \) to \( A \):

From \( M = (0, 0) \), there are 4 possible \( A \)'s:

- \( A_1 = (1, 0) \)

- \( A_2 = (-1, 0) \)

- \( A_3 = (0, 1) \)

- \( A_4 = (0, -1) \)


So, there are 4 choices for the first step.


#### Paths from \( A \) to \( T \):

From each \( A \), we can move to a neighboring \( T \) that is one unit away. Let's examine the options for each \( A \):

- From \( A_1 = (1, 0) \), the possible \( T \)'s are \( (2, 0) \), \( (1, 1) \), and \( (1, -1) \). This gives 3 choices.

- From \( A_2 = (-1, 0) \), the possible \( T \)'s are \( (-2, 0) \), \( (-1, 1) \), and \( (-1, -1) \). This gives 3 choices.

- From \( A_3 = (0, 1) \), the possible \( T \)'s are \( (0, 2) \), \( (1, 1) \), and \( (-1, 1) \). This gives 3 choices.

- From \( A_4 = (0, -1) \), the possible \( T \)'s are \( (0, -2) \), \( (1, -1) \), and \( (-1, -1) \). This gives 3 choices.


Thus, for each \( A \), there are 3 possible \( T \)'s, so the total number of ways to move from \( A \) to \( T \) is \( 3 \times 4 = 12 \).


#### Paths from \( T \) to \( H \):

From each \( T \), we can move to a neighboring \( H \) that is one unit away. There are 3 neighboring \( H \)'s for each \( T \) (similarly to the calculation above). Therefore, for each \( T \), there are 3 possible \( H \)'s.


Thus, for each \( T \), there are 3 possible \( H \)'s, so the total number of ways to move from \( T \) to \( H \) is \( 3 \times 12 = 36 \).


### Step 4: Total Number of Paths

Multiplying the number of choices at each step, we get:

4 \times 3 \times 3 = 36.


Thus, the total number of distinct paths that can be followed to spell the word "MATH" is \( \boxed{36} \).

14 sept. 2024

To determine how many points \((x, y)\) where both \(x\) and \(y\) are positive integers lie below the hyperbola \(xy = 16\), we need to find the integer pairs \((x, y)\) such that \(xy < 16\).


### Step-by-Step Solution:


1. **Consider values of \(x\) and find corresponding \(y\) values**:

   For each \(x\), \(y\) must satisfy \(1 \leq y < \frac{16}{x}\).


2. **Calculate pairs for each \(x\)**:

   - \(x = 1\):

     xy < 16 \implies y < \frac{16}{1} \implies y < 16 \implies y = 1, 2, 3, \ldots, 15 \quad (\text{15 values})

   - \(x= 2\):
     xy < 16 \implies y < \frac{16}{2} \implies y < 8 \implies y = 1, 2, 3, \ldots, 7 \quad (\text{7 values})

   - \(x = 3\):
     xy < 16 \implies y < \frac{16}{3} \implies y < 5.33 \implies y = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 \quad (\text{5 values})

   - \(x = 4\):
     xy < 16 \implies y < \frac{16}{4} \implies y < 4 \implies y = 1, 2, 3 \quad (\text{3 values})

   - \(x = 5\):
     xy < 16 \implies y < \frac{16}{5} \implies y < 3.2 \implies y = 1, 2, 3 \quad (\text{3 values})

   - \(x = 6\):
     xy < 16 \implies y < \frac{16}{6} \implies y < 2.67 \implies y = 1, 2 \quad (\text{2 values})

   - \(x = 7\):
     xy < 16 \implies y < \frac{16}{7} \implies y < 2.29 \implies y = 1, 2 \quad (\text{2 values})

   - \(x = 8\):
     xy < 16 \implies y < \frac{16}{8} \implies y < 2 \implies y = 1 \quad (\text{1 value})

   - \(x = 9\) and higher:
     xy < 16 \implies y < \frac{16}{x} \implies y < \frac{16}{x} \implies y = 1 \quad (\text{1 value if } x \leq 15 \text{ else no values})


3. **Count the total number of pairs**:

   Summing all the valid \(y\) values for each \(x\):
   15 + 7 + 5 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 39


Therefore, there are \( \boxed{39} \) points of the form \((x, y)\) where both coordinates are positive integers and lie below the hyperbola \(xy = 16\).

24 juil. 2024