
I've reached halfway, halfway to 1000!!!


The second i joined this website, it was my goal to get to the list, the list with the people with the highest point. Throughout, i've gained I've gained alot of knowledge. Thank you everyone!

Especially Melody and CPhill for the support boost....!!!  


It took me around two months and a half to get here....95% Maths!!..

I feel pretty dumb Lol... I took a glimse at CPhill's profile and it took him a Year to get 30,000!


(Math Time) If i Carry on at this rate...


30,000/500= 60


60/2.5= 24


I have no idea what i just done Lol....I will try harder and harder!!! But 24 Months XD...



But i don't really care about points now, I'm glad I've made alot of friends, knowledge and fun along the way.


All i wanna say is, thank you, thank you for making it all possible....


 May 1, 2015

Best Answer 


thank you too.

 May 1, 2015

Thanks MG and you are welcome. :)

 May 1, 2015
Best Answer

thank you too.

MathsGod1 May 1, 2015

Congratulations on making it to 500 too :)

 May 1, 2015

4 Online Users