
The contractors Brent and Garth always start their jobs at 9:00am. If Brent works alone, he will finish at 5:00pm, including an hour-long lunch.If Garth works alone, he will finish at 4:00pm, including an hour-long lunch. If they work together, they will have an hour-long lunch instead. Assuming the rate at which they work stays the same, at what time in the afternoon will they finish? Please give the answer in the 12-hour format xx:yy, rounded to the nearest minute (e.g.02:12).

 Jan 11, 2021

Brent works 9 to 5 - 1 hour for lunch =7 hours


Garth works 9 to 4 - 1 hour for lunch = 6 hours


1/7  +  1/6 == 1 /J [1 Job], solve for J


J =3.230769......hours =3 hours + 13 minutes + 51 seconds + [1 hour for lunch].


So: 9 am +  4 hours =1:00 pm + ~14 minutes =~1:14 pm - when both working together will go home !!

 Jan 11, 2021

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