
by which smallest number 33275 can be multiplied so that the result is a perfect cube.also find the cube root for the resulting cube

 Jun 2, 2014

Best Answer 


Well...I could multiply by (1/25) and that would give us

33275 *(1/25) = 1331 and that's a perfect cube of 11

Or...I could multiply by 0   and that would give us

33275 * 0 = 0    and that's the perfect cube of 0

Or...I could multiply by -5 and that would give us

-166375 and that's a perfect cube of (-55)

Is this what you were asking??.....Is there a "smallest" number??

 Jun 2, 2014

First look at the prime factors of 33275

$${factorize}{\left({\mathtt{33\,275}}\right)} \Rightarrow \left\{ \begin{array}{l}{\mathtt{25}} = {{\mathtt{5}}}^{{\mathtt{2}}}\\
{\mathtt{1\,331}} = {{\mathtt{11}}}^{{\mathtt{3}}}\\
\end{array} \right\}$$

i.e. $$33275=5^2*11^3$$

This should give you a clue.

 Jun 2, 2014
Best Answer

Well...I could multiply by (1/25) and that would give us

33275 *(1/25) = 1331 and that's a perfect cube of 11

Or...I could multiply by 0   and that would give us

33275 * 0 = 0    and that's the perfect cube of 0

Or...I could multiply by -5 and that would give us

-166375 and that's a perfect cube of (-55)

Is this what you were asking??.....Is there a "smallest" number??

CPhill Jun 2, 2014

I suspect the questioner had positive integers in mind!

 Jun 3, 2014

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