
The formula for the perimeter of a rectangle is P= 2L + 2W where L is the length and W is the width of the rectangle. What is the length of a rectangle whose perimeter is 48 inches and width is 6 inches?

 May 11, 2018

P  =  2L + 2W


The perimeter of the rectangle is  48  inches.  So      P  =  48


The width of the rectangle is  6  inches.  So      W  =  6


Plug in  48  for the P in the equation.


48  =  2L + 2W


Plug in  6  for  W  in the equation.


48  =  2L + 2(6)       Now we can solve this equation for  L .  Multiply  2(6)  to get  12 .


48  =  2L + 12         Subtract  12  from both sides of the equation.


48 - 12  =  2L


36  =  2L                  Divide both sides of the equation by  2 .


36 / 2  =  L


18  =  L


The length of the rectangle is  18  inches.

 May 11, 2018

A truck driver can drive no more than 8 hours in one day. He has already driven 3.5 hours. He drives at an average rate of 55 miles per hour. Which inequality could be used to find the distance, d, the truck driver can travel in the remaining time?

 May 11, 2018

A truck driver can drive no more than 8 hours in one day. He has already driven 3.5 hours. He drives at an average rate of 55 miles per hour. Which inequality could be used to find the distance, d, the truck driver can travel in the remaining time?


55 miles per hour  *  8 hours   =   440 miles

He can travel no more than  440  miles.


He has already traveled...

55 miles per hour * 3.5 hours   =   192.5 miles



d miles + 192.5 miles  <  440 miles


d  +  192.5  <  440


d  <  247.5

 May 11, 2018

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