what is the number 508 in scientific notation
 Jan 9, 2014

Best Answer 

Scientific notation has one digit before the decimal point and multiplies the number by exponents of 10.
So 508 would be written as 5.08
But 5.08 doesn't equal 508, so multiply 5.08 by 100.
100 is the same as 10^2

So the final answer would be:
5.08 * 10^2
 Jan 9, 2014
Best AnswerScientific notation has one digit before the decimal point and multiplies the number by exponents of 10.
So 508 would be written as 5.08
But 5.08 doesn't equal 508, so multiply 5.08 by 100.
100 is the same as 10^2

So the final answer would be:
5.08 * 10^2
kitty<3 Jan 9, 2014

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