
Nom d'utilisateurBosco
Questions 0
Réponses 782



Kaspar is buying apples and oranges from the market. The total cost of 4 apples and 3 oranges is $11, while the total cost of 2 apples and 5 oranges is $13. What is the cost of each apple and each orange?  


                                                  4A + 3G  =  11     (eq 1)  

                                                  2A + 5G  =  13     (eq 2) 


Multiply (eq 2) by 2                    4A + 10G  =  26   (eq 3)  


Subtract (eq 1) from (eq 3)                  7G  =  15  

                                                              G  =  15 / 7  =  2.14   (one orange)  


Plug the value of an orange  

back into (eq 1)                          4A + (3)(2.14)  =  11  

                                                                     4A  =  11 – 6.42  =  4.58  

                                                                       A  = 4.58 / 4  =  1.14   (one apple)  


Check answers  

(eq 1)                            4 • (1.14) + 3 • (2.14)  =  10.98   close enough to 11  

(eq 2)                            2 • (1.14) + 5 • (2.14)  =  12.98   close enough to 13  


The answers check out, considering that the calculations required rounding.  


17 nov. 2023


                                                x2 – 5x + p + 2x2 – 8x  


                                                Combine like terms, arrange in standard form ax2 + bx + c  


                                                3x2 – 13x + p  


                                                 An equation is a square (another way to say this is that  

                                                 it has a double root) when its discriminant equals zero   


                                                 b2 – 4ac =  0  


                                                 (–13)2 – (4)(3) • p  =  0  


                                                 169 – 12p  =  0  


                                                        – 12p  =  – 169  


                                                               p  =  169 / 12  


Checked that the answer is a square by using Desmos to  

plot the curve of y = 3x2 – 13x + 169/12 and confirming   

that it crosses touches the x-axis at only one point. 


17 nov. 2023


Find the constant $k$ such that the quadratic $2x^2 + 3x + 8k + 3x^2 + 2x + k$ has a double root.  


                                                2x2 + 3x + 8k + 3x2 + 2x + k    


                                                combine like terms, and arrange in standard form ax2 + bx + c  


                                                 5x2 + 5x + 9k  


                                                 an equation has a double root when its discriminant equals zero   


                                                 b2 – 4ac =  0  


                                                 52 – (4)(5) • 9k  =  0  


                                                         25 – 180k  =  0  


                                                              – 180k  =  – 25  


                                                                       k  =  25 / 180  


                                                                       k  =  5 / 36  


17 nov. 2023


                                      (8/125)*___ = 5/2  



                                         8          x          5  

                                      ––––  •  –––  =  –––  

                                       125        1          2  


divide both sides by 8 / 125  

                                                             5           8  

                                                    x  =  –––  ÷  ––––   

                                                             2         125  


to divide by a fraction invert and multiply  


                                                             5         125  

                                                    x  =  –––  •  ––––   

                                                             2           8    


                                                               5         125          625  

                                                    x   =   –––  •  ––––   =   –––––   

                                                               2           8             16  


17 nov. 2023