
Nom d'utilisateurMaxWong
Questions 169
Réponses 3812

MaxWong  13 janv. 2019

GingerAle.... Yeah he is kinda rude, I admit, but he is a great "gadget" on the forum...... 


"Oh, my . . . This is great! We need another old gasbag! A companion for the forum’s Banker –one who articulates more, but is even less intelligible." and

"I hope he stays around. We stylish, superior trolls really relish rare, refined dinning of preposterously presumptuous pretentious phrases in our smorgasbord.  We also like to listen to the villains in the old Scooby-do cartoons while we enjoy our meal.", it is just because a guest is giving incomplete answers and thinking that his answer is actually the best. I think he is just stating the truth that the guest's answer is not a very good answer, but in a harsh way.



"Note to Blarney Banker: If you don’t understand this, I can try to dumb it down for you. However, I’d probably just be wasting my time and annoying the pịg",

he is just angry about a guest doing wrong stuff.....



"Who wrote this brain-dead question? Does a retired Blarney Banker teach your class?", he is angry about the teacher of the guest wrote a question that does not make sense at all.



"I just tested both with 2+2. Both gave the answer of 4. The Calculator and Excel seem to work fine. So, this means you are an imbecile of low order.  If you give an example, then someone may explain why. Then you will know to which low order of imbecile you belong", I don't see where you find this, can you give a link?

But I guess that's because there are always some guess who are always TOO bored and they have nothing to do and say that 2 + 2 = 5 and then try to mess people who are new to math up. I have no patience to those people too and I think this comment is appropriate to stop people from messing up stuff. If I were him(her?) I would do that too.



"Rusty armor, dull sword, and Bad manners. He probably doesn’t even know the multiplication tables."

I don't know where did you find this too, can you also give a link for proof?


These comments are usually because he is angry about people doing stuff wrong, as he hates people doing wrong stuff and wants others to do correct stuff instead of doing things wrongly.

He did answer many questions and helped people, so he is really a gadget on the forum.

Hope you understand the reason for him to say such words.


~The smartest cookie in the world.

2 mai 2017